Thursday, March 4, 2010

long time since last post

To everyone that has read my few prior posts,

I am sorry it has been so long since my last post.

Not much has happened though. We are still plebes squaring corners and doing the plebe thing. A lot of our third class friends are about to leave for sea again but more are coming back for third trimester. We are all waiting in anticipation for recognition.

I have lost another friend from my section. He had realized that he wanted to be an enlisted navy SEAL and not an officer. I respect him for this and not giving up. He has promised to come back for our graduation.

I was prompted to come back and put up a new post when a fellow classmates blog got sent out to the class of 2013. This person is basically alone in his company due to what he has written. His best friends have left him. I feel bad for this individual. This hate for him has spread to the whole class.

Part of what made this happen was a general attitude. He is one of the oldest plebes at the age of 21. He has had real life experience. Yet that does not pardon an attitude that is a problem in this school just as rampant as immaturity.

This individual believes that because of his prior experience he is better than everyone else and knows best. He is hesitant to help his section mates and share his hard work with people who struggle. His attitude has alienated him from the class of 2013. This attitude is not his alone. It is the attitude of a man who will do anything to be the best. Yes the world is full of these people but in an environment where you are so dependent on others this attitude can only make you alone. People get fed up with it.

Thanks for reading I will post up about the beginning of next trimester in a week when I get back from Florida.

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